Yesterday I went to my Weight Watchers meeting...and I'm happy to say that I'm down 0.2 pounds. It might not sound like a lot (and let's be honest, it's not), but to me it shows and proves that I'm done with eating to fill an emptiness inside me. There have been a lot of feelings the last few weeks as I prepare for a separation with Joe and the buying of a new house.
But I haven't eaten them. And THAT is the best.
Anyway, at the WW meeting, my leader talked about making time for things that matter. She asked us to think of any goal that we had in our lives - and then asked us what it took to attain that goal.
For instance, when I wanted to graduate from college, my investment wasn't just in the time spent at classes or the money spent for the classes. My investment in a great degree came with lots of hours at labs, in meetings with classmates, and at tutoring sessions if I needed more help.
Likewise, I can't look at the only time I'm willing to take for me to lose weight as the time spent in the meetings.
I need to invest the time into making healthy lunches, not just grabbing something on the go. It means taking the time to get up early to go for a run. It means understanding that there is time spent to drive to the gym.
To expect that this would just happen miraculously without any other time investment is silly.
And yet, how many of us have thought that if we just fix this "eating thing" we'd be fine? Nope. There's way more things going on that have contributed to my weight gain than just fixing my eating. It's by choosing to take the time to make the change a part of my identity that is going to get it done.
As I sat in the meeting, I thought of all the other things that I do with my time. Some of it is productive, some of it is non-productive but totally awesome, and some of it is wasteful. I want to be more mindful of scheduling or making time for the goals I really have.
After all, aren't we all worth spending some time on us, on our hopes and dreams?
I can't believe it's going to be mine in 9 days.
The seller has had some heartbreak, some good times, and a new beginning with love while in this house.
I can only hope that the same holds true while it's mine.
(le sigh)