Monday, January 10, 2011

Heavy heart

On Friday I found out that my good blogging friend, Margie, from My Healthy Living Thru Weight Control passed away a few months ago.

If you knew her or read her blog, you know that she was a long time WW member - who had met her goal weight and had been maintaining it successfully for many years.  She and her husband, Bruce, traveled around the US and went walking often.

It was on a walk that they were struck by a suicidal driver and were both killed.

Honestly?  I still can't believe it.

Margie was one of those people who was always supportive, especially on the ugly posts - the ones where you bared your soul and scoured wounds.  We had several email conversations and when she visited Colorado and couldn't stop anywhere close to me, we vowed to meet up the next time she was in my state.

She had mentioned the idea of stopping her weight loss blog a few times and honestly, I thought she was just taking a break.  Plus, I had the whole fibroid thing and was not checking anyone's blog for months.  I feel horrible that I didn't immediately think something had happened when my emails were unanswered and although I checked her weight loss blog, I didn't think to check her other one for news.

I feel so sad that Margie is gone.  I feel happy that she and her love were able to pass together.

But I feel so sad that Margie, who was a bright and beautiful person, is no longer here to share her light.

It's selfish...I know.  But it's true.

This weekend, I tried to think about what always struck me the most about her...and I think that it's that she was always kind and supportive - exactly the kind of person I want to be.  BUT she also was relentless in her quest to maintain a healthy weight.  Sure, she and her husband were retired, but that didn't stop her from sharing a plate of food (to exercise portion control) on her vacations or monitoring her weight closely each day.

She was dedicated to her healthy lifestyle - even though she was older, even though she had already lost her weight, and even though she could've done what many of us do - relaxed a bit in her attack. 

Her resolve and dedication to her lifestyle and her health should be a reminder to me.

I have missed Margie and I will continue to do so.  I hope that her (and her husband's) passing was quick and as painless as possible.

When I got home on Friday, I hugged Joe for a solid few minutes, crying on his shoulder, and continued to tell him just how much he meant to me.  I hope I remember to do that often.


Life as a Caterpillar said...

I am very sorry to hear about this. I did not know the lady, but i read her blog and she seemed a real shining light, as you say. What a terrible waste.

Let's all hug our loved ones a bit tighter today

love to you

Alison said...

How sad, sorry for the loss of your friend.

Lanie said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Anne, and for the loss of the blogging community. I wasn't lucky enough to have known Margie or come across her blog before her departure, but I know she was well loved and respected.

The only selfish person in this story is the one who took their own life and Margie & her husband's.

Polar's Mom said...

That is awful, I am so sorry for their loss and the loss of your friends!

Polar's Mom

Jayne said...

So sorry friend! That's just awful. To take your own life is selfish enough but to take the lives of two others...her poor family! Hugs to you and them!

Levi said...

I have to admit something. I thought it was Margie's parents that were killed. I knew she was missing some time ago and went to visit her blog and posted a couple of comments but I thought she was grieving over her own folks. Today, with your post, is the first time I've realized that it was her. What a shock.

Anonymous said...

I read about Margie awhile back and it hit me hard too. She truly was a beautiful soul. It just makes you think about what truly matters in life, doesn't it? Hugs to you.

TinaM said...

It's horrible isn't it :(
I think a lot of us took it pretty hard, and still do whenever we think of it.

I know exactly what you mean, about feeling selfish. That's how I felt... like I shouldn't even take it so hard- I'm not family, never even met her!
But that doesn't matter, like you said she was so supportive and just such an awesome person.

I'm just glad we got to know her through her blog. We are blessed in that way :)

Crys said...

There's something about death that stops you in your tracks. Whether you know the person or not, it effects you. It's especially harder when they have something like a blog, or Twitter or Facebook... there's something surreal in the words and then the silence. It just serves as a reminder to live and live well.

carla said...

Im so so sorry.