I don't know about you, but one of the hardest compliments (and yet, one of my favorites) for me to receive is when someone says that I'm beautiful. I can think of about 15 things in a minute that I don't like about myself, so when Margie over at My Healthy Living Thru Weight Control gave me the Beautiful Blogger award I was both thrilled and amazed.
She gave me that award on January 20th of this year. So you know, I'm just a little over 4 months late.
This award is apparently given in sevens:
1) Project Look Good Naked - This first blogger is relatively new to the blogger side of things...but the courage that she has shown by blogging about very real issues in her life makes her truly beautiful to me. I love reading her blog. Because she also lives in Denver, I was lucky enough to find out that she's smart, sarcastic, and sweet in real life. And holy moly her eyes are to die for!
2) Thufferin' Thuccotash - This blogger is one great lady and one that I've been lucky enough to have bonded with - even if it's over a few states. She's survived cancer, lymphedema, and her husband dying. If you want to find strength, read her blog. Plus, her humor is FANTASTIC. :)
3) Scribbing In The Margin - I can't say enough about this other IRL friend. She is such a wonderfully giving person. She recently elected to have Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) and is blogging through her reaching milestones (hello! She just lost 100 pounds!) and some struggles that she's encountered along the way. Her effervescent humor and ability to keep it real at the same time are things that I really enjoy.
4) 1/2 an Amy - An old college friend who is discovering herself and all the things that she can accomplish. Recently divorced and realizing that she is truly one fantastic and strong lady.
5) Becoming an Ex Yo-Yo Dieter - This blogger is seriously beautiful. I haven't been following her for a long time, but her perseverance to do the things that we all know she can do is absolutely beautiful to me. Her insight into herself makes her successful - no matter what her weight.
6) Believe in Yourself - This blogger is a new one to me, but I really think that it's great that she's finding out that she can do great things - not only by herself but with the help of others.
7) The Pursuit of Healthyness - Last but not least, this blogger is one who is doing the same thing I am - trying to be healthier mind, body, and spirit. She has the courage to look inside herself to realize what it is that she wants to do to get to where she wants to go. I love that she's trying to be more mindful about her own life and trying to figure out why she struggles with the stuff she does. I can't believe she doesn't have more followers - I really love her writing.
And now, seven things you may not know about me:
1) I have a Slanket and I LOVE it. Seriously, I was that person that laughed at the commercials too (although in fairness, the commercials are for a Snuggie, not a Slanket - the Slanket is much better). It's the best invention in the world and although I'm semi-embarrassed of it, I wouldn't part with it willingly.
2) I'm the middle child of three girls. Growing up, we never even had a male animal. My dad was always outnumbered.
3) I love logic puzzles. You know, the things that say "Sam is taller than Phil, but not as tall as Pheobe who is 9 inches shorter than Zeke and half as tall as Bud" and then you have to rank them in order. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those things.
4) I hate beans. I wish I didn't because they're a great source of protein, nutrition and blah blah blah, but really, I just don't like them.5) I love Converse shoes. Currently, I have a pink pair that I'm really enjoying a lot. Even though I may be too old to wear them (or too uncool or too...well...anything) they make me happy.
6) I have a GIANT dog at home. Her name is Chassis and she is almost the tallest dog in the world. The tallest dog, according to Guinness, is 43 inches tall from his shoulders to the floor. My dog? 42 inches tall (measured in the same way). She turns five on Tuesday. :)
7) I wear funky socks. If I can, I wear socks with stripes, dots, argyle prints, or some other random pattern on them. The only time I don't wear socks like these are when I'm running (because then I wear good running socks). No one usually ever sees them and they always match the color shirt that I'm wearing, but I wearing them makes me feel like I'm funky, fresh, hip, fly, or whatever the kids are saying these days.
Eesh. That took longer than I thought... Well, I'm off to another mindful eating/mindful yoga class, so I'll have to post the two other awards posts later.
Wacky Watermelon - Video Post
1 year ago
Congratulations on your award!
PS You are NEVER too old for Converse Sneakers
I wear funky socks with my cowboy boots. It makes me feel cooler! lol
Aw, you added me to your blog roll. I'm humbled to be added to *your* blog roll since I admire your writing so much and could never be that good. Still..thank you for that honor.
Shoes and socks...heck, wear what you love. You are never too old to be a fun person.
Slankie??? Seriously???
Margie M. writes at:
Awhhhh, my FIRST blog award. Thanks lovely lady!
Well, don't work out in your slanket at the gym like I did. Everybody makes fun of you!
Wow! What the heck kind of dog is that?
You're awesome :)
OMG! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and I really appreciate the compliment about my writing! My first blog award!!
Awww...you rule! Even with a Slanket. Thanks for my first award! You like me...you really like me!
wow! thanks so much!! :)
Thanks for the award!!! Your words were very sweet.
Those logic puzzles frustrate the heck out of me...I guess I'm not logical enough :) I really admire people who ARE, though.
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