Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Repeat after me: "I love my weight."

One of the gifts that I specifically asked for for my birthday was Louise Hay's Healthy Body Cards.

I first saw them at the "Mindful Yoga - Mindful Eating" class that I attended back in February (I blogged about it here). Each participant took turns reading the front and the back sides of the cards while in a yoga pose...and then we took a few tries at other yoga poses while thinking about what was on the card.

I loved that concept - that I could concentrate on a part of my body or an aspect of my body and honor it. Each part of me wants to be taken care of and it serves a purpose. The parts work together to make my body do things it's always wanted to.

I loved the idea of waking up in the morning, reading the card, and then thinking about what that meant to me while showering. I asked my mom for these cards and was thrilled to start using them on the day after my birthday.

So far, it's been a great way to start the day being mindful about my body. It's been a great way to think about how I can show myself more love. Even when I feel unloveable, how can I hate my spleen? It sounds silly, when I put it that I've decided that on days when I feel unloveable, I can celebrate my own parts and at least work to honor them.

Today's card was this:

It reads: "I am the perfect weight for myself at this moment. Yet I have the ability to change my weight if I desire. I am free."

The back of the card simply reads:

"I love my weight."

It's the last line on the front of the card that gets me: I AM FREE.

And we are free - free to make our own choices, free to love our bodies, and free to celebrate in them.

More importantly, we don't need this weight to protect us from whatever feelings or actions we've been afraid of. The extra weight I have? It's what I've had most of my adult represents a lot of pain, a lot of hurt, and a lot of abuse - both from other people and myself.

The beauty of life is that, barring any medical conflict, we can let this weight - and all it symbolizes - go.

We are, quite simply, free.


Lesia said...

So true!

Katy said...

Those cards look great. Where do you get them?

Sam said...

Yes, where do you get them? I have to admit, when I read "I love my weight" I recoiled. That alone says so much!! I really enjoy your blog. One, you write long posts like me (hehe), and two, you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. And all of it I can totally relate too. I have tried the eating plan you are doing, and it is challenging. I think it's awesome that you are working on listening to your body. I'm not there yet, I need a little more structure. But I hope to get to a point where I can have that kind of free relationship with food. You are an amazing woman and offer much to the world. Thank you!

Happy Fun Pants said...

Sam: You are so sweet! Thank you for your praise and support!

You can get the cards at: which is where I got them.

They also sell them on Amazon.

She has lots of other items too (just Google her name and you'll see countless books and other affirmation cards), but I really liked these the most.

Happy Fun Pants said...

Amazon's link:

You can see a sampling of the other cards in the deck via that link.

Levi said...

A card would not work for me. I'd need a hammer.

Levi said...

Where's the amazon link to the healthy weight hammer?

Jessica VZ said...

Thank you so much for this card. There are days I feel beautiful and days I feel too heavy to move, and this card reminds me that no matter what, I can still love me, even if I don't particularly feel like it today!

Ashley Gibson said...

I NEED these cards. Louise Hay is awesome.

Such important little reminders...

Laura said...

Those cards look cool! And a great way to have an inspirational start to every day.