Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh, I AM going to Hustle the Hoff

Last year I ran in several 5Ks that were fun...but I also ran in my fair share that were duds.

This year I decided to only run at events that were either going to be fun, have an awesome t-shirt, where the proceeds go to a cause I really care about, or were going to test my ability to run further.

One of the events that I ran in last year was Das Hustlehoff.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  It's paired with Denver's Oktoberfest celebrations and they encourage people to dress up like German people or even just Baywatch characters (ala David Hastlehoff).

I've decided to enroll again this year.  I'm not going to dress as a bar maid. but I did think about picking a white t-shirt to tuck into my yoga pants and wearing suspenders - so kind of like a poor man's lederhosen.  At a bare minimum, I'll wear my braids and (if I can find them in my size) knee high socks.

My time from last year wasn't fast at all, but seeing as how I've been out of running practice lately, I'm just going to try to match that time.

If you're in Denver and want to join in the fun, here are the details.

In other news, I'm back from Peoria.  I didn't do horribly, but I definitely didn't stick to my plan - at least not 100% of it.  I ate more than I should've, drank more than I should've, got less sleep than I should've, but OH MY was it exactly what I needed.

The scale says I'm up 3 pounds...which is a bit more than I had thought.  I'm not concerned - some hard work this week will decrease that gain.  I can't believe that it's more than water weight, but I guess the proof is with the scale this we'll see how much further I can get it to go down.

Also, THANK you for everyone who has given me awards recently!  I need to get caught up on all of that.  I've been so bad about it - it means very much that you think as highly of my blog as you do.  If I haven't already done so, I'll be by your blog to thank you "in person."  I have the best of plans to add a page onto my main blog showcasing the awards and the wonderful people who gave them to me.  So thank you.


Big Clyde said...

Sounds fun. I think I would just run with a beer the entire time.

Katy said...

Love the poor man's liederhosen idea. I'm toying around with going as a german couple this year for halloween just so scott can wear a pair of the hose.

Blubeari said...

I tagged you in a questions game on my blog. :-)

Jams said...

I wish there were some fun runs like that around here! Maybe there are and I can't find them. Either way, you're going to have a blast and I'm jealous! :)

Levi said...

Have fun running in your fake German getup. You need a brass bra. Also you can fashion one of those head pieces out of a metal colander.

Lesia said...

thumbs up!

Brigitte said...

That sounds like a hoot!! Love it!

Lala said...

That sounds unbelievably fun! You must take pictures of the "hoff" lookalikes!!!

Jen said...

Hey Anne!! Not sure how I missed your smaller pants blog but I did! So I am now following this blog too!!

Thanks for your comment on my blog today. I didn't know you don't have a dog anymore? Sorry to hear that! I hope I can keep up with you a little better now that I am following you here!

I love you too!!


Missa said...

That sounds like a Rockin' race. I am so jealous. well, rock it out and afterwards have a beer for me! Prost!
